Neck Pain

Increase in Work From Home Neck pain has become much more prevalent since the start of COVID a few years ago. Many believe this can be attributed to the increase in work from home, poor workplace setups, and increased time spent on computers now that people are not...

There is no health without ‘mental health’…

As a physical therapist, my purpose is to help patients’ regain their range of motion, increase their strength and endurance, manage their pain, and improve their movement through prescribed exercise, hands-on care, and patient education. In striving toward these...

Do I need to see a doctor before a Physical Therapist?

This is one of the most common questions Physical Therapists get asked. It is also one of the most frequently searched questions on Google relating to Physical Therapy.  The answer to the question is, NO.  In the state of Florida (and most other states) you do NOT...

Three great exercises for Low Back Pain

As Physical Therapists we are often asked “what are the best exercises for low back pain?” Unfortunately that is not an easy question to answer. Every patient is different, and the cause of their back pain is unique to them. In order for a Physical Therapist to...